Here are the minutes of Monday's meeting (Toni House, filling in for Garret who was unable to attend):

Minutes of Meeting of SRCC general membership on February 4, 2008:

1. Introductions (The meeting was attended by approximately 20 people.)

2. Due to a death in the family, Terry Franz was unable to attend. No Treasurer’s Report.

3. 225/300 E. Riverside – This case goes before City Council on Feb. 14, 2008. As Jean noted, it is very important to make a good neighborhood showing in opposition to this project. SRCC shouldn’t be complacent and just assume this project will be voted down. SRCC members need to be in attendance to show support for Council votes against this project. Keep sending emails opposing the project and show up at Council on 2/14/08. (Jennifer Kim (who attended Monday’s meeting along with her former aide, Robert Levinski) believes there will be four votes against this project (Kim; Cole; Leffingwell; and Martinez)).

4. Expansion of LR zoning (Case No. C20-007-015) – This Land Use Code amendment passed on all three readings 1/31/08. Jennifer Kim was the sole “no” vote. A number of General Retail (GR) and Personal Improvement Services uses have now been approved for Local Retail (LR) zoning, along with an increase in size. Restaurant General uses (allowing applications to serve alcohol on site), a larger size, and outdoor seating were also approved for LR locations. Bobby Levinski explained Staff’s reasoning for requesting the Code Amendments, and Council Member Kim indicated that additional amendments could be brought forward based on input from the community. SRCC members need to write the Mayor and Council Members objecting to the further deterioration of the transitional zoning (LR) put in place to protect residential neighborhoods and ask that these amendments to Chapter 25-2 be removed.

5. Offsite Parking for Home Slice Pizza – This is similar to the Doc’s situation. Home Slice has a lease for 5 parking spaces in Guero’s parking garage. The garage owner can terminate this lease at his option after 6 months. Errors in Home Slice Pizza’s site plan review, including possible distance discrepancies, need to be pointed out to the Case Manager. It was suggested that Connie Todd might be able to draft and send the letter.

6. Tree House on Reagan Terrace – Some neighbors have complained about a tree house that was built on supports within the setback, rather than using the tree as the foundation. No one from the neighborhood was in attendance to speak to this.

7. Reagan Signs Building (NW corner of I-35 & Woodland) – Teresa Griffin provided background and an update. After going through the site plan process twice, this site plan is very close to being approved. Even though a sign manufacturing plant is not allowed, Reagan Signs continues to change the terms of its uses identified in the site plan in order to gain approval. It is believed that Reagan Signs still intends to store paint and other flammable materials on site. TxDOT has not yet approved access to and from the site off the southbound I-35 access road. No change in Reagan Signs’ plan to address the traffic problem by simply posting a sign limiting the direction vehicles can turn exiting the site. Jennifer Kim asked Teresa to follow-up with her and stated that she would look into this matter.

8. Need for New Officers – Reminder about the March meeting election of officers, potluck supper, etc.

9. Other Business – Rachel McClure discussed hazards of living so close to I-35 and hazardous effects of diesel fuel exhaust. Asked members to write and phone legislators, Mayor and Council Members asking them to require filters on vehicles that use diesel fuel.

Another gentleman discussed First Thursday issues – lack of parking; local artists not being given space to show wares; desire to start a Farmers’ Market which could also showcase local artisans.

Jeff Kessel gave an update on St. Ed’s/Sherwood Oaks flooding. New storm drain system should be in place by 2009. Jeff wants to return to St. Ed’s and ask them to apply a higher design standard to address drainage and flooding issues resulting from development than they have in the past – that any new development requires more mitigation/ control of stormwater runoff water quality than previously provided by St. Ed’s – they must look harder at downstream impacts on the storm drain system and must show that the additional run-off has a place to go. Jeff would like an SRCC letter to St. Ed’s and the City setting out what should be expected to prevent further aggravation of current flooding problems.

Adam Stephan – needs a variance for 209 Leland for approximately 10 sq. feet in order to add to an existing garage apartment. He does not want to change the character of his 1936 bungalow residence. He has the support of his immediate neighbors for the variance. No action was necessary.

Reminder about the APD Commander’s Forum at Christ Lutheran Church on February 12, 2008.

Meeting Adjourned.