South River City Citizens (SRCC)

9/10/2007 unofficial general membership meeting notes  


this month's meeting was on the 2nd monday of the month due to the  labor day weekend.   


1. treasurer's report: $188 was spent on signs for the historic district project the fandango raise approx. $1500 during the silent auction    


2. time insurance zoning case: the last public hearing on this issue was over 9 months ago  so it's somewhat difficult for anyone to follow but it is now set for  2nd and 3rd readings. with public hearings now over there are still  major objections to this case:

a. applicant claims the sole reason he needs the LI-PDA  zoning is to have a 0 foot front setback along the I-35 property so  he can move his project farther from the neighborhood. yet council  has failed to require that the project be moved away from the  neighborhood and it has failed to limit the applicability of the up- zoning to just the 0 foot front setback it provides.


 b. council has failed to exclude many commercial uses allowed  under LI, which are inappropriate this close to residential property.


c. council should choose between a project at street level or  a project on top of the hill. clearly what is appropriate at current  grade is not the same as what is appropriate at street level. ;


d. council approved zoning for the 2 tracts involved in these  cases based on the same conditions applied to the zoning by the  planning commission. to date (more than 8 months since the hearing),  there have been no ordinance or restrictive covenants detailing these  conditions provided for review.


e. these up zonings will result in devaluation of the  abutting and nearby single family properties.


f. staff did not recommend the LI-PDA up zoning, citing city  land use principles (specifically, the requested zoning is not  consistent with the purpose statement of industrial zoning and zoning  should not grant a special privilege to an individual owner).  


additionally, there are many questions we have asked staff about this  zoning which remain unanswered: sec 25-2-174 states that the purpose of a PDA combining  district is to "(2) incorporate the terms of a planned development  area agreement into a zoning ordinance following annexation of a  property that is subject to a [PDA] agreement."


a. shouldn't the agreement already exist when the zoning is  applied for?


b. and shouldn't the agreement be available for public review?


c. both of the properties involved (2 separate cases--one for  GR-MU and one for LI-PDA) are within the 1946 city limits so what  does this annexation refer to? can property be re-annexed?


d. perhaps most importantly: what exactly does a PDA allow on  this property?   


3. travis park apartments (live oak across from travis high school): received unsatisfactory score/report by southwest housing  compliance corporation for poor management of section 8 housing -  they recommend new management. thanks to terry and others for  working to identify problems and improve the living conditions of the  residents of this complex.   

4. travis heights elementary: they are still looking for volunteer tutors - those  interested please contact terry franz

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